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Living Words

Reading Time: 3 minutes

We can go deeper in prayer by allowing the truths of Scripture to dwell in our hearts.  This occurs by meditating on the Bible and permitting our Lord to change our character and to direct our lives.  Sounds simple, doesn’t it?  Why then, does it seem that there is a plethora of distractions, others’ needs, pressing projects, and “emergencies” that show up almost every time we pick up the Bible?  This simple act isn’t easy because we are in a battle for truth. 

I recently viewed a small clip where Bibles were being delivered to believers in a country where religious freedom is not endorsed.  These men and women would hold the Bibles close to their chests and even kiss them.  With tears of joy on their faces they received the Scriptures written in their own language.  They were willing to sacrifice greatly so they could have these Scriptures available to them.   They knew the treasure in their hands that we too often overlook. 

In 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Paul shares:  “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work”.  If we don’t take time to search the Scriptures and find the promises and treasures He has hidden for us, then we miss out on the richness that is there for us.  There is gain in each and every verse, for they are inspired by God and through His Holy Spirit we can find daily application in our lives. 

Each part of the Word is full of life.  It is profitable for teaching, to learn new things about God, about ourselves and also about others; for reproof, to get our attention when we are doing something wrong; for correction, to get us back on the right track when we have taken the wrong one; for training in righteousness, to know how to walk as men and women of God in right standing before Him.  All this so we may be complete, and equipped for every good work

To reap the benefits takes perseverance.  Perhaps you have read Scriptures in the morning and later that same day it finds application.  This is no accident; it is the hand of the Lord using His Word and the promptings of His Spirit in our lives at the opportune moments.  A common objection I hear from folks is that God isn’t speaking to them, yet they haven’t taken daily time to pray and read His Word.  In bypassing the reading of His Word, we also miss opportunity.  It’s in becoming familiar with the character and workings of God that He is recognized and His work in our lives becomes apparent.

In times of struggle, when there seems to be a lot of confusion, I’ve often found help in the Scriptures.  It isn’t always easy.  I’ve often started reading verses which led to chapters and into whole books until His peace starts to penetrate my soul.  Sometimes I may not get direct revelation from the verses but it ministers to my spirit where I am in need.  I’ve had times when it took days of searching the Scriptures until I found answers I was looking for, yet all along the way I found peace that the Lord was with me.  I received courage and strength for each day.  

There are still many Scriptures that challenge me.  There are deeper truths than the words themselves.  Just like in many of David’s psalms, some verses didn’t make sense back then until they were fulfilled or explained in Jesus’ life.  Yet these same verses have always been encouraging.  I’ve been able to learn about God’s character through reading His Word.   

The verse says “all Scripture” therefore the whole Bible must be profitable, even the passages that may seem either dry or outdated.  I so appreciate when going over a familiar verse the Holy Spirit can reveal new truths in it for me.  Being firmly established in God’s Word, we have tools to discern truth when bombarded with an assortment of doctrines, lifestyles, and behaviors.  It is the measure we must use if we are to find truth.  God’s Word is necessary to develop a righteous life.  Righteousness must be nurtured by filling our minds with His words and doing the hard things He calls us to do. 

We all feel inadequate at times to accomplish what God has placed before us.  These are often His opportunities to search the Scriptures, for within them we find the wisdom we need.  Protect the time today and allow the Truth of God’s Word to fill you, direct you, and enrich your life.

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